Phone Book Nexdu The most complete information of companies in Brantford, find the best of Brantford with real comments, performed for their users according to his experience.
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Find in Phone Book Nexdu the most complete information of Brantford in Canada, find the most recognized hotels, the best taxi service, chemist's close to your location, the best restaurants, home delivery and more in Nexdu Phone Book.
These businesses have been recommended by their customers, for the quality of their products and good attention, for that reason we recommend that you do not stop visiting them in Brantford
Do not buy a used phone from the cell zone!!! i bought a used phone off the cell zone for $1600 + and 4 months later it was blacklisted due to the previous owner not paying bill. the only solution they could come up with is to buy my phone back for 100 dollars or they would give me a “better deal” if i came back on the 10th with the receipt to talk to the owner. 1.they responded to my old review stating that an esim would work,- it’s financed locked. it wouldn’t work. you never once mention an ...See moreHide
Christine is so patient and kind with our little dog cooper. he is a senior and has so many health issues but christine always keeps him looking his best! ...See moreHide
One of the most painful experience i’ve ever had in a dental clinic which made me loose two front teeth!!! their licenses should be revoked! ...See moreHide
Rude staff who is often distracted by family , items are over priced, no bathroom , items and store smell funny (i think it’s mold or mildew) ...See moreHide
Always have had great service ,my only extended wait time was when the weather was bad.great drivers very friendly & helpful ...See moreHide
All the bad reviews here if from employees who have been fired for horrible work. you can even notice on google a person who got fired did a 5 star and then a 1 star.... funny how the world works for losers. ...See moreHide
Excellent service. dr. ziad has years of experience and it shows in every step! he's very sweet and listens to his patients. ...See moreHide
Service is absolutely terrible. when i called don on it, he said that they treat every customer the same, and that i should maybe just take my business somewhere else. needless to say, that is what i did. i am very pleased with adventure rv in waterford though! ...See moreHide
I asked the pharmacist about some over the counter drugs. she said she didn't know them and didn't want to comment about their use etc? on another occasion, the pharmacy assistant that answered the phone still didn't know how to spell my name, even though i repeated the spelling 5x over. then she put me on hold for 10 minutes, until she could find my file. told her i needed info on how to fill my meds early because of a trip to europe and she told me to call back later because she had no idea? ...See moreHide
Terrible place to work. low paying job, no appreciation! working for a spoiled 1 arm manchild plant manager that is racist and also sexist towards women in power. the health and safety guy cries to the employees he can't drive his new truck to work because he does't get paid enough for gas and has to drive his corolla! the maintenance guy richard cheats on his wife with the cleaning lady on afternoon shift and the supervisor is a huge pervert/pig talking about sex! sad and pathetic! ...See moreHide